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Practicing God’s Presence

leader retreat

As a ministry leader, “presence” means so much!

Our fruitful, ready presence among those we serve is grounded and energized in God’s Presence.

In this leaders retreat we continue an occasional series that unpacks treasures from the past. The simple, profound witness of a 17th century lay brother, Brother Lawrence, offers a way for leaders to live and serve from a growing place of inner wellbeing.

“A little lifting up of the heart suffices, a little remembrance, one act of worship… God requires no great matters of us… He is nearer than we think!” Brother Lawrence

For the Christian leader, God’s presence in each moment is the happy place.


The retreat will be structured around brief leader reflections, along with time to be alone, reflect, rest, hear from God, share, and just experience God’s care.


a one-day retreat for ministry leaders

Who for

pastors, missions workers, para-church leaders, staff members, counselors, and  – well, you know who you are!


upcoming new retreats on the way


$85.00, includes lunch

For partial scholarships please email info@wellrefreshed.com.


LOCATION – Mount Olivet Retreat Center, Farmington, MN


What People are Saying

Thank you again for the grace, wisdom and tenderness with which these retreat days have supported and accompanied me in this season. I am so very grateful.

Ministry Leader

I could not have continued in my position in my church if not for these retreats. Thank you for this ministry!


What an awesome day! God spoke in so many ways. Thank you for your commitment to make time for refreshment for leaders in our walk with Christ and in our ministries!

Pastor of Community Life


Hilary Ritchie

Minister of Music

Hilary Ritchie is the minister for worship and the arts at Hope Church in Richfield, MN. Her goal as a worship leader is to foster worship that glorifies God and draws people into his redemptive story. hilary@hope-pc.org


Joel Warne


Joel Warne is a spiritual director and co-founder of WellSpring Life Resources. He offers a wide variety of retreats, workshops and events to leaders and lay people that help participants live more fully out of their identity in Jesus Christ.