WellSpring Life Resources offers live events, small group resources, and counseling and spiritual direction that support hungry hearts in a rich and transforming daily experience of God. We present renewal events for leaders and lay people across the country. Our videos and group materials refresh thirsty hearts far and wide.
The Path of Totality:
“Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.” Joseph Campbell
In this video, Joel tells a story that underscores the very human side of our journey. It’s a stumbling journey holding a treasure.
Featured Materials
Soul Craving is an invitation to feast on true spiritual food--essential practices and postures of the heart that help us develop loving intimacy with God and satisfy our longing for him.
This 6-session, video-based curriculum guides participants in a simple, yet profound, "LOOKING/LISTENING" approach to reading Scripture.
What People are Saying
PastorThank you so much for coming. Our area has lots of natural fresh air and fresh water, but you have brought such fresh air and fresh water in the Spirit.
Ministry LeaderYou did a wonderful job of telling stories through word pictures that people could see, kind of like watching virtual video. Wow. I was particularly fascinated by the way you invited people into Scripture. You did it so simply and gently. It was a graced day!
ParticipantIt was an utter delight to have you among us and be led by you through a rich and creative session!
Renew! Refresh! Partner with us in stirring new life in Christ in hungry leaders and lay men, women, couples and teens! Make a tax-deductible donation at right, or check out these creative ways to partner: Creative Giving Options