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Launch out on a vacation for your heart!
What would life look like as a beloved daughter of God – cherished, embraced, gathered in? How do we move from being a “religious employee” who continually struggles to do enough, toward a nourishing life lived beneath Jesus’ delight?
As we experience a deepening sense of God’s affirmation, grace, acceptance and care, our inner world becomes hopeful, alive, and rich. This in turn flavors all our relationships – with spouses and children, co-workers and the world!
Belovedness begins with receiving and ends with giving
We must first learn to receive God’s compassionate care into our deep places until little by little we find ourselves extending his transforming grace to those around us.
Participants will leave Beloved relaxed, refreshed, and with new joy in a life with God as his dearly loved child.
Additional Info
Who for
The women of your church
Participants will connect with God and each other through stories, laughter, the potent themes, personal times, sharing, and soul-forming activities
At your church or preferred location
1/2 day, full-day, overnight, or weekend retreat
What People are Saying
Ministry leaderYou did a wonderful job of telling stories through word pictures that people could see, kind of like watching virtual video. Wow! I was particularly fascinated by the way you invited people into Scripture. You did it so simply and gently. It was a graced day!
PastorThank you so much for coming. Our area has lots of natural fresh air and fresh water, but you have brought such fresh air and fresh water in the Spirit.
Joel Warne
Joel Warne is the co-founder of WellSpring Life Resources. WellSpring offers transforming leadership, men’s, women’s and mixed group retreats, counseling & spiritual direction services, and small group resources.
For over 40 years Joel has helped hungry hearts live and serve more fully out of their identity in Jesus Christ. He and his wife Gerri, a Temperament counselor, have been married 42 years, have three wonderful children and their spouses, and six wiggly grandchildren!