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One of God’s servants complained to the Lord one day about the many trials she was experiencing. God replied, “But my dear, this is how I treat all my friends.” To which the servant replied, “Then I see Lord why you have so few of them!”
The challenges and trials of Christian service are hard, yet are creating something beautiful and life-giving in us and in those we are called to serve. But how do we receive and even relax into these gifts of imperfection when the insistence on ministry perfection – buffed and polished ministries, growth, results – is so strong in and around us?
This retreat reflects on Michelangelo’s powerful “David” & “The Prisoners” sculptures for doorways into living and ministering from our real selves. Taken with John 20:19-22 (Jesus appearing to his disciples in their locked room) we explore owning and making peace with our wounds, speaking peace to ourselves and others, and creating a deeper mission in a wounded world.
Mine out God’s hidden and powerful presence in life and ministry imperfection and take hold of the transcendent new thing being born in you and your ministry in the midst of it.
Additional Info
- Ministry Leaders & Staffs
- Pastors
- Staff members
- Ministry leaders
- Missions workers
- Spouses
Day of renewal & conversation
- The day will be structured around brief reflections on our theme with ample time to be alone, reflect, rest, pray, share, and just experience God’s care as individuals and as a ministry team.
At your church or preferred location
1/2 day or full-day retreat
What People are Saying
PastorThank you from the depths of my soul for following your call to minister to the
shepherds of this world. What a relief to be with those who understand!
Ministry LeaderThis day has called my attention to my need for restoration; to be a reservoir, not just a channel.
PastorToday reminds me of why I do what I do, and the way I want to be in doing it.
Joel Warne
Joel Warne is the co-founder of WellSpring Life Resources. WellSpring offers transforming leadership, men’s, women’s and mixed group retreats, counseling & spiritual direction services, and small group resources.
For over 40 years Joel has helped hungry hearts live and serve more fully out of their identity in Jesus Christ. He and his wife Gerri, a Temperament counselor, have been married 42 years, have three wonderful children and their spouses, and six wiggly grandchildren!